My Home Birth Story, Video, & Poem
3am on 7/27/23 I woke up by what felt like a water balloon full of warm water popping inside my pelvic floor. Gushes of water leaked all over the bed and floor as I jumped up, shouting, "OH FUCK, MY WATER BROKE !"
Fast forward 3 hours later the contractions began. The feeling of shivers running up my spine, feeling like I was going to poop all over myself, and the feeling of deep intense forceful stretching in my yoni all at the same time.
The first 24 hours were a breeze, walking, talking, and dancing through contractions. Then came 7/28/23 6am. My contractions slowed, so my mom and midwife suggested I drink the labor cocktail - if you don't know what that is... it's a drink with castor oil that makes you shit yourself...why would I drink this? Popping makes your uterus contract. So I drank the cool aid and then had an upset stomach for 4 hours, which gave me horrible anxiety entering the birth portal. My doula suggested nipple play to calm my nerves and stimulate the release of oxytocin, which also helps with labor. It's now 12pm on 7/28/23- my husband and I are in the shower having some steamy nipple play action when 10 minutes later, I had to go to the bathroom AGAIN...But to my pleasant surprise, my contractions came on strong and hard right after that last bathroom break. So thank you nipple sucking!!!
As the day went on, I teetered in and out of this dimension. It's now about 3pm still the 28th and my midwife stops by to do a quick check on Clover's heartbeat and asked if I wanted a cervix check to which I said yes - I was 5cm at this point - and this is the only cervix check we did through the entire birth 🌹. Fast forward to 1:30am on 7/29/23 - running on fumes, I look at my midwife and say, IM DONE, take me to the hospital. She says "ok we can do that, you will probably give birth in the car. Reach down feel your opening...what do you feel?" I FELT CLOVERS HEAD 😅. I got out of the birth pool sat on the toilet to pee and then out came Clover an hour later! What a wild ride!
Motherhood: where the beauty of unconditional love meets the challenge of relentless perseverance. It’s a journey of highs and lows, but every moment is worth it. I cannot believe how fast this the days go. It feels like just yesterday I was running across the house to tell Jacob I was pregnant 😭 then I blinked and I was giving birth then I blinked again and here we are!!! I would love to share a poem I wrote about Clover’s birth story 3 days after she was born. Enjoy!!
Stepping into the valley of death
Forced to deepen my breath
My body, my mind, I undress
Perspective flipped
My toes are dipped
Writing a new manuscript
At the shore of my consciousness
Preparing for your greatness
On a loop through the portal of eternal change
Tunnel vision feeling strange
Opening my heart for the deepest exchange
Fierce screams
The ring of fire
The deepest desire
Time to go higher
Down to the wire
Head at the crown
Time to bear down
Breathe away the frown
Surge by surge convulse
The pulse
Time to evulse
Becoming a home for the golden light
All through the night
We reunite
Your soul leaving my body
A little foggy
Shedding tears for the intertwined cord
You are now my lord
Coming home to the lost dimension
You are the extension
The road to my ascension
You are here
Always near
Do not fear
For I am bound to you my dear
Here is the link to my home birth video